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Charlie Parker session details

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Late 1954-Early 1955 (1 item; TT = 9:15)
Dick Meldonian's apartment, New York NY
Private recording (Tape) (B)

Charlie Parker (talking); Unknown (interviewer)

1 Interview 9:15

1 Interview
CD: Philology Volume 16 (W 846)

The date and location are uncertain. Parker plays scales and talks about music with Dick Meldonian and an interviewer.

According to Meldonian, he recorded the conversation in his apartment, using a Webcor tape recorder with paper-based tape (similar to the tape used by Dean Benedetti in 1947-48). Someone who used to dance with the musicians was expecting a visit from Parker, and left a note for him saying he would be at Meldonian's apartment. Parker came by, Meldonian turned on his recorder, and this other person started asking questions about music. Meldonian does not remember the exact date, but recalls that it was near the end of Parker's life and that he was in very bad shape. Thanks to Jay Becker for sharing this information with me.

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