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Miles Ahead session details

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February 21, 1990 (3 items; TT = 7:50)
Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles CA
ABC TV Broadcast (B+)

Miles Davis (tpt); Kenny Garrett (as); Joe "Foley" McCreary (g); Kei Akagi (keyb); Benny Rietveld (el-b); Ricky Wellman (d); John Bigham (perc); Unknown (ann); Herbie Hancock (ann)

1 Introduction 1:28

Hancock introduces Davis
2 Hannibal (M. Miller) 5:26
3 Announcement 0:56

Hancock presents Grammy Awards to Davis

1 Introduction
Video: ABC-TV

2 Hannibal
Video: ABC-TV

3 Announcement
Video: ABC-TV

Davis received two Grammys, one for Aura (Best Instrumental: Solo and Big Band), and a Lifetime Achievement Award.

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