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On the Corner (Columbia KC 31096)

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Title: On the Corner
Label: Columbia KC 31096 (12" LP)
Number of tracks: 4
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Details: June 1, 1972; June 6, 1972

Note: Only tracks on which Davis is present (54:38) are displayed below.

1 On the Corner (M. Davis) [Jun 1, 1972] 19:55
2 Black Satin (M. Davis) [Jun 6, 1972] 5:16
3 One and One (M. Davis) [Jun 6, 1972] 6:09
4 Helen Butte - Mr. Freedom X (M. Davis) [Jun 6, 1972] 23:18

June 1, 1972
Miles Davis (tpt); Dave Liebman (ss); Chick Corea (synth); Herbie Hancock (el-p); Harold I. Williams (eorg); John McLaughlin (g); Collin Walcott (sitar); Paul Buckmaster (cello); Michael Henderson (el-b); Jack De Johnette (d); Jabali Billy Hart (d, perc, bgo); Charles Don Alias (cga, perc); James Mtume Forman (cga, perc); Badal Roy (tabla)

June 6, 1972
Miles Davis (tpt); Carlos Garnett (as, ts); Bennie Maupin (bcl); Herbie Hancock (el-p, synth); Harold I. Williams (el-p, synth); Lonnie Liston Smith (org); John McLaughlin (g); David Creamer (g); Collin Walcott (sitar); Paul Buckmaster (cello); Michael Henderson (el-b); Jack De Johnette (d, handclaps); Jabali Billy Hart (d, handclaps); Charles Don Alias (perc, handclaps); James Mtume Forman (perc, handclaps); Badal Roy (tabla, handclaps)

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