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Miles Davis with Horns (Prestige PRLP 7025)

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Title: Miles Davis with Horns
Label: Prestige PRLP 7025 (12" LP)
Number of tracks: 9
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Details: January 17, 1951 (b); February 19, 1953

Note: Only tracks on which Davis is present (33:12) are displayed below.

1 Morpheus (J. Lewis) [Jan 17, 1951 (b)] 2:20
2 Down (M. Davis) [Jan 17, 1951 (b)] 2:50
3 Blue Room (R. Rodgers-L. Hart) [take 2] [Jan 17, 1951 (b)] 3:00
4 Whispering (M. Schonberger-R. Coburn-V. Rose) [Jan 17, 1951 (b)] 3:02
5 Tasty Pudding (A. Cohn) [Feb 19, 1953] 3:19
6 Willie the Wailer (A. Cohn) [Feb 19, 1953] 4:24
7 Floppy (A. Cohn) [Feb 19, 1953] 5:59
8 For Adults Only (A. Cohn) [Feb 19, 1953] 5:31
9 Blue Room (R. Rodgers-L. Hart) [take 1] [Jan 17, 1951 (b)] 2:47

January 17, 1951 (b)
Miles Davis (tpt); Bennie Green (tb); Sonny Rollins (ts); John Lewis (p); Percy Heath (b); Roy Haynes (d)

February 19, 1953
Miles Davis (tpt); Sonny Truitt (tb); Al Cohn (ts); Zoot Sims [John Haley] (ts); John Lewis (p); Leonard Gaskin (b); Kenny Clarke (d)

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