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Miles in Tokyo (CBS/Sony SONX 60064)

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Title: Miles in Tokyo
Label: CBS/Sony SONX 60064 (12" LP)
Number of tracks: 6
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Details: July 14, 1964

Note: Only tracks on which Davis is present (54:02) are displayed below.

1 Introduction 1:10
2 If I Were a Bell (F. Loesser) 10:18
3 My Funny Valentine (R. Rodgers-L. Hart) 12:45
4 So What (M. Davis) 7:50
5 Walkin' (R. Carpenter) 9:14
6 All of You - The Theme [with closing announcement] 12:45

Miles Davis (tpt); Sam Rivers (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d); Teruo Isono (ann)

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