Miles Ahead Discography: 1945-1991
There are currently 689 different records
in the Miles Ahead database. Select a decade from the drop-down list to begin; this
will give you a list of records from that decade.
For unissued sessions, or if you prefer to see things organized by session rather
than by recording, use the sessions list elsewhere on
this site. To browse the discography by label or record type, use the
label-by-label list.
Some of the recordings listed herein may be as-yet-unreleased -- I have included
such items when I've been able to gather reliable information about them from other
sources. Obviously the details may change by the time these recordings are released.
Here is a list of country codes
for issued recordings.
I update the database as I come across new recordings or information. If you notice
errors, please send me a message.
Last updated: 3/1/2025