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Haverford College

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Haverford College (76:20)
Private recording
Recorded Jan 25, 1980
Unknown venue, Haverford College PA

Walt Dickerson (vb); Sun Ra (el-p)

Unknown Title (W. Dickerson) [Dickerson solo]25:44
Love in Outer Space (S. Ra) [Ra solo]4:26
Unknown Title [Ra solo]3:38
Rhapsody in Blue (G. Gershwin) [Ra solo]4:57
St. Louis Blues (W.C. Handy) [Ra solo]2:24
Space is the Place - Over the Rainbow (S. Ra / H. Arlen-E.Y. Harburg) [Ra solo]8:26
Unknown Title [duet]6:23
Closing announcement1:03
Unknown Title [duet]17:02

Unknown location. The announcer sounds like a Haverford student.

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