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Miles Ahead session details

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July 7 & 8, 1991 (5 items; TT = 5:24)
Hyatt Hotel, Montreux (Switzerland)
Commercial for Warner Brothers

Miles Davis (tpt); Miles Evans (tpt); Lew Soloff (tpt); Wallace Roney (tpt, flh); John D'Earth (tpt, flh); Jack Walrath (tpt, flh); Marvin Stamm (tpt, flh); Manfred Schoof (tpt, flh); Ack Van Rooyen (tpt, flh); Benny Bailey (tpt, flh); Claudio Pontiggia (flh); Tom Varner (frh); John Clark (frh); Conrad Herwig (tb); Roland Dahinden (tb); Tom Malone (tb, bass tb); David Taylor (bass tb); David Bargeron (euph, tuba); Earl McIntyre (euph, tuba); Michael Weber (cl); Christian Gavillet (bs, bcl); Rainer Erb (bssn); Christian Rabe (bssn); Judith Wenziker (oboe); Xavier Dus (oboe); David Seghezzo (oboe); Tillman Zahn (oboe); Anne O'Brien (fl); Julian Cowdy (fl); Hans-Peter Frehner (fl); Kenny Garrett (as); Sal Giorgianni (as); Alex Foster (ss, as, fl); George Adams (ts, fl); Jerry Bergonzi (ts); Larry Schneider (ts, cl, fl, oboe); Bob Malach (ts, cl, fl); Roger Rosenberg (bs, bcl); Howard Johnson (bs, tuba); George Gruntz (p); Delmar Bown (keyb); Gil Goldstein (keyb); Xenia Schindler (harp); Mike Richmond (b); Carles Benavent (b, el-b); Grady Tate (d); Kenwood Dennard (d, perc); John Riley (d, perc); Quincy Jones (cond)

1 Miles Ahead (M. Davis-G. Evans) 0:09

Davis out
2 Blues for Pablo (inc) (G. Evans) 0:34
3 Boplicity (inc) (M. Davis-G. Evans) 2:51
4 Springsville (fs x 2) (J. Carisi) 0:11
5 Blues for Pablo (inc) (G. Evans) 1:39

The five titles from the rehearsal are included on Warner Music Vision (VHS) 7599-38342-3. Music is audible in the background under interviews with various musicians.

The Davis group left for a month-long European tour in late June:

June 28: Messehalle 4, Messegelände, Hamburg, Germany
June 30: Philharmonie im Gasteig, Munich
July 1: Théâtre Antique, Vienne, France
July 2-3: days off in Paris
July 5: La Grande Halle, La Villette
July 6: Parc des Fontanelles, Villeneuve sur Lot
July 7: Hyatt Hotel, Montreux, Switzerland
July 8: Casino, Montreux
July 9: unknown venue, Paris, France (rehearsal)
July 10: La Grande Halle, La Villette, Paris
July 12: Auditorium, Château de Sully-sur-Loire, Sully-sur-Loire
July 14: Statenhal, Congresgebouw, The Hague, Holland
July 15: Paris: The French government makes Davis a Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur
July 16: Jardin des Arènes de Cimiez, Nice, France
July 17: Jardin des Arènes de Cimiez, Nice
July 19: Royal Festival Hall, London, Great Britain
July 21: Chapiteaux, Andernos-les-Bains, France
July 23: Stadio Olimpico Curva, Rome, Italy
July 24: Teatro Piazza del Giorgione, Castelfranco Veneto
July 26: Chateau de Wiltz, Luxembourg
July 27: Uno City, Austria Center, Vienna, Austria

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