
Miles Davis Live in London '69 (Rhythm and Blues Records R&B 105)

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Title: Miles Davis Live in London '69
Label: Rhythm and Blues Records R&B 105 (12" LP)
Number of tracks: 8
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Details: November 2, 1969; October 27, 1969

Note: Only tracks on which Davis is present (47:27) are displayed below.

1 Bitches Brew (M. Davis) [inc] [Nov 2, 1969] 2:14
2 It's About That Time (M. Davis) [Nov 2, 1969] 12:56
3 No Blues (M. Davis) [Nov 2, 1969] 8:06
4 This (C. Corea) [Nov 2, 1969] 5:02
5 I Fall in Love Too Easily (S. Cahn-J. Styne) [Nov 2, 1969] 3:40
6 Sanctuary (W. Shorter-M. Davis) [Nov 2, 1969] 4:07
7 The Theme (M. Davis) [Nov 2, 1969] 0:22
8 'Round Midnight (B. Hanighen-C. Williams-T. Monk) [Oct 27, 1969] 11:00

October 27, 1969
Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p, wood fl); Dave Holland (b); Jack De Johnette (d)

November 2, 1969
Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ss, ts); Chick Corea (el-p); Dave Holland (b); Jack De Johnette (d)

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