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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 8 occurrences of "fran dance" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur12" LPCD
May 26, 1958Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkFran Dance (take 1)6:00Mosaic MQ9-191Columbia Legacy C6K 65833, Columbia Legacy C6K 90922, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Sony SRCS 2223/8, Sony SICP 651/6, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 6)
May 26, 1958Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkFran Dance (take 2)5:59Columbia CL 1268, Columbia 88883 76108, Columbia CJ 47835, CBS/Sony SOPM 140, CBS/Sony 20AP 1401, Mosaic MQ9-191 , Analogue Productions AAPJ 172BLU (blue vinyl), Analogue Productions AAPJ 172 (black vinyl)Columbia CK 47835, Columbia Legacy C6K 65833, Columbia Legacy C6K 90922, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Columbia Legacy 88883 75664, CBS/Sony 32DP 521, CBS/Sony CSCS 5140, Sony SRCS 6841, Sony SRCS 9102, Sony SRCS 2223/8, Sony SICP 651/6, Sony SRCS 9744, Sony SICP 1204, Sony SICP 20075, Sony SICP 30214, Sony SICJ 30042, Sony SICP 30521/9, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 6), Analogue Productions CAPJ 172SA
July 3, 1958Festival Field, NewportFran Dance7:13Columbia CL 2178 (= CS 8978), Columbia 88837 61018, Nippon Columbia YS-392, CBS/Sony SOPZ 10, CBS/Sony 15AP 541, CBS/Sony 20AP 1404, CBS/Sony 25AP 755, CBS/Sony 28AP 2833Nippon Columbia YS-392, CBS/Sony SOPZ 10, 15AP 541, 20AP 1404, 25AP 755, 28AP 2833, Mosaic MQ9-191Columbia CK 44052, Columbia Legacy CK 85202, Columbia C2K 53585, Columbia Legacy C6K 65833, Columbia Legacy C6K 90922, Columbia Legacy 88883 75664, Columbia Legacy 88875 08195, Sony SICJ 30001/4, Phontastic PHONT NCD 8813, CBS/Sony 32DP 522, Sony SRCS 5698, Sony SRCS 9314/5, Sony SRCS 2223/8, Sony SICP 651/6, Sony SRCS 9727, Sony SRCS 9732/3, Sony SICP 814, Sony SICJ 30043/44 Sony SICP 30521/9, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 7)
March 22, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmFran Dance7:22Dragon DRLP 91Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4, Natasha Import NI 4011, Recording Arts Reference Edition RARE CD 08/10, TAX CD 3716-2, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9
April 8, 1960Kongresshaus, ZürichFran Dance7:36 Jazz Unlimited JUCD 2031, Storyville STA 130467, Gambit 69220, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, TCB 02312, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Eternal Grooves EGHO-004
April 9-10, 1960Concertgebouw, AmsterdamFran Dance7:24 Dutch Jazz Archive NJA 1301, Green Corner 100890, Eternal Grooves EGHO-006
October 11, 1960Olympia Theatre, ParisFran Dance7:24 Trema 710455/8, Trema 710578, Frémeaux & Associés FA 5451
April 21, 1961Blackhawk Supper Club, San FranciscoFran Dance7:38Columbia CL 1670 (= CS 8470), Columbia C2L 20 (= C2S 820), Columbia CJ 44425, Nippon Columbia YS-152, Nippon Columbia SL-1090, Nippon Columbia PSS-90, CBS/Sony SONP 50071, CBS/Sony SONP 50070/1, CBS/Sony SOPJ 18, CBS/Sony SOPW 73/4, CBS/Sony 20AP 1403, Fontana 682 514 TL, Mosaic MQ6-220Columbia CK 44425, Columbia Legacy C2K 87097, Columbia Legacy C4K 87106, CBS/Sony 32DP 526, CBS/Sony CSCS 5345, Sony SRCS 9317, Sony SRCS 9730, Sony SRGS 4582; Sony SICP 381/4, Sony SICP 30054/5, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 14)
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