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Miles Ahead session details

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May 25, 1984 (1 item; TT = 10:41)
Record Plant Studios, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt); Bob Berg (ts); John Scofield (g); Robert Irving III (synth); Darryl Jones (el-b); Al Foster (d); Steve Thornton (perc)

1 Something on Your Mind [D-Train] (H. Eaves III-J. Williams) 10:41

The version of "Something on Your Mind" issued on You're Under Arrest uses only a few tracks of the original 24-track recording. The other tracks were re-recorded (on December 27, 1984); Vincent Wilburn Jr. replaces Al Foster on drums and Bob Berg's part was deleted. Later (January 15, 1985) the tpt, g, and el-b parts were overdubbed.

This tune is listed in the file as "D-Train (Old)."

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