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Miles Ahead Discographical Details

Here are the 16 occurrences of "on green dolphin street" in the Miles Ahead database. Click on a date for session details. If a row does not list any commercially-issued recordings, then that particular version of the tune is only available on private recordings.

DateLocationTitleDur45 rpm12" LPCD
May 26, 1958Columbia 30th Street Studio, New YorkOn Green Dolphin Street (take 3)9:56Columbia 13-33282Columbia CL 1268, Columbia 88883 76108, Music on Vinyl MOV LP019, Columbia CJ 47835, Mosaic MQ9-191, CBS/Sony SOPM 140, CBS/Sony 20AP 1401, CBS/Sony 00AP 2076/81 , Analogue Productions AAPJ 172BLU (blue vinyl), Analogue Productions AAPJ 172 (black vinyl)Columbia CK 47835, Columbia Legacy C6K 65833, Columbia Legacy C6K 90922, Columbia Legacy 88697 33552, Columbia Legacy 88883 75664, CBS/Sony 32DP 521, CBS/Sony CSCS 5140, CBS/Sony 80DP 872/5, Sony SRCS 5691/4, Sony SRCS 6841, Sony SRCS 9102, Sony SRCS 2223/8, Sony SICP 651/6, Sony SRCS 9744, Sony SICP 1204, Sony SRCS 7218, Sony SICP 20075, Sony SICP 30214, Sony SICJ 30042, Sony SICP 30521/9, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 6), Analogue Productions CAPJ 172SA
March 4, 1960Civic Auditorium, San FranciscoOn Green Dolphin Street (inc)3:57   
March 21, 1960Olympia Theatre, ParisOn Green Dolphin Street14:40 Vinyl Me Please Classics C010, Columbia Legacy 88985 44841Trema 710455/8, Trema 710576, Frémeaux & Associés FA 5451, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9
March 22, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmOn Green Dolphin Street13:35 Dragon DRLP 90, Rarelp 10Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4, Rare CD-10, Jazz Door JD 1226, Natasha Import NI 4011, Recording Arts Reference Edition RARE CD 08/10, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICP 31146/9
March 24, 1960Tivoli Konsertsal, CopenhagenOn Green Dolphin Street14:35 Columbia Legacy 88985 49874Royal Jazz RJ-501, Gambit 69227, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Columbia Legacy 88985 44839, Sony SICJ 30116, Sony SICP 31146/9
March 28, 1960Apollo Theatre (WDR Studio), DüsseldorfOn Green Dolphin Street8:52  Jazzline N 78002, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Green Corner 100890
April 9, 1960Kurhaus, ScheveningenOn Green Dolphin Street12:40 Unique Jazz UJ-19, Century CEJC 00102Century CECC 00093 (= Stash CECC 00093), Jazz Door JD 1226, Unique Jazz RKO 1037, Lone Hill Jazz LHJ-10206, Solar 4569971, Jazz Plot JPR 61623, Absord Music ABCJ-13, Green Corner 100890, Acrobat ACQCD 7076, Eternal Grooves EGHO-005
October 13, 1960Konserthuset, StockholmOn Green Dolphin Street13:39 Dragon DRLP 129Dragon DRCD 228, DIW 381/4
April 21, 1961Blackhawk Supper Club, San FranciscoOn Green Dolphin Street12:12Columbia 4-33059Columbia CL 1765 (= CS 8565), CBS/Sony SOPN 50199, CBS/Sony SOPM 140, CBS (F) 20170, CBS (F) 63417, Mosaic MQ6-220Columbia CK 44425, Columbia Legacy C2K 87097, Columbia Legacy C4K 87106, CBS/Sony 32DP 526, CBS/Sony CSCS 5345, Sony SRCS 9317, CBS (F) 20170; Sony SICP 381/4, Sony SICP 3964, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 14)
April 22, 1961Blackhawk Supper Club, San FranciscoOn Green Dolphin Street12:02 Mosaic MQ6-220Columbia Legacy C2K 87100, Columbia Legacy C4K 87106; Sony SICP 381/4, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 15)
December 23, 1965Plugged Nickel Club, ChicagoOn Green Dolphin Street13:06 CBS/Sony 18AP 2067, CBS/Sony 23AP 2567, CBS/Sony 25AP 1, Columbia C2 38266, Mosaic MQ10-158, Klimt MJJ349CLPCBS/Sony 32DP 723, Columbia Legacy CXK 66955, Sony SRCS 5766/72, Sony SRCS 7351/7, Sony SIC7 10001/8, Sony SRCS 9754, Sony SICP 4180/1, Sony SICJ 30067/8, Columbia Legacy 86975 24922 [= Columbia (F) 86975 52492] (CD 25)
October 28, 1967Koningin Elisabethzaal, AntwerpOn Green Dolphin Street8:26 Music on Vinyl MOV LP421Columbia Legacy 88697 94053, Sony SICP 20316/9, Columbia Legacy 88697 94870, Sony SICP 3316, Jazzman JM 11742, Jazz Birdies of Paradise J-Bop 042, Abstract Expression AE CD 0015
October 30, 1967De Doelen, RotterdamOn Green Dolphin Street9:23  Mega Disc Legendary Collection no number, Eat to the Beat ETTB 0771, Eternal Grooves EGHO-008
November 6, 1967Salle Pleyel, ParisOn Green Dolphin Street9:04 Music on Vinyl MOV LP421Recording Arts (Golden Age of Jazz) JZCD 341, Jazz Music Yesterday JMY 1003, Columbia Legacy 88697 94053, Sony SICP 20316/9
November 7, 1967Stadthalle, KarlsruheOn Green Dolphin Street9:16  Tempo di Jazz CDTJ 703, Luxury TOE 1/2
February 25-March 2, 1969Duffy's Backstage, RochesterOn Green Dolphin Street (inc)12:17   
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