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Miles Ahead session details

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August 12, 1980 (13 items; TT = unknown)
Columbia Studio E, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (keyb); William D. "Bill" Evans (reeds); Robert Irving III (p, el-p); Randy Hall (g, celeste, synth, voc); Felton Crews (el-b); Vincent Wilburn Jr. (d)

1 Jam instrumental (take 1) n/a
2 Jam instrumental (take 2) n/a
3 Unconditional Love (take 4 (complete)) n/a
4 Unconditional Love (take 5 (complete)) n/a
5 Unconditional Love (take 6 (bd)) n/a
6 Unconditional Love (take 7 (complete)) n/a
7 Unconditional Love (take 7 insert (complete)) n/a
8 Unconditional Love (take 8 (complete)) n/a
9 Wake Up (take 1 (bd)) [Wave Up] n/a

Davis and Evans out
10 Wake Up (take 2 (complete)) [Wave Up] n/a

Davis and Evans out
11 On a Cloud (take 1 (fs) Co) n/a
12 On a Cloud (take 2 (bd) Co) n/a
13 On a Cloud (take 3 (complete)) n/a

According to Teo Macero's session notes, the recording date was August 2. The August 12 date is written on the tape box.

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