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Miles Ahead session details

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October 8, 1980 (1 item; TT = 18:30)
Davis' house, New York NY
KWMU-FM radio broadcast (unkn)

Miles Davis (talking); Kishore Manwar (talking)

1 Interview (inc) 18:30

1 Interview (inc)
12" LP: VGM 0005

Washington University disk jockey Kishur Manwar interviewed Davis by telephone for broadcast on the KWMU-FM show Miles Beyond. From his house at 312 West 77th Street in New York Davis mercilessly evades Manwar's questions about jazz; the St. Louis scene in the 1940s; Parker and Coltrane; Hendrix; where jazz is going; his influence on younger musicians like Hancock, Shorter, Corea, Zawinul, etc.; Rachmaninoff, Chopin, and their influence on Davis' writing.

An excerpt (2:15) of the interview was issued under Webster Young's name on VGM 0005, where the date was incorrectly listed as August 3. An edited version of the interview was included on a cassette by Airegin Productions and on VGM-SOU. The program was broadcast October 24, 25, and 26.

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