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Miles Ahead session details

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June 11, 1981 (1 item; TT = 10:34)
Village Vanguard, New York NY
Audience recording (unkn)

Miles Davis (tpt); Earl Gardner (tpt); Joe Mosello (tpt); Simo Salminen (tpt); John Marshall (tpt); Ed Neumeister (tb); Douglass Purviance (bass tb); Earl McIntyre (bass tb); Stephanie Fauber (frh); Dick Oates (as); Kenny Garrett (as); Bob Mintzer (ts); Rich Perry (ts); Gary Smulyan (bs); Jim McNeely (p); Marc Johnson (b); Mel Lewis (d); Bob Brookmeyer (arr)

1 The Second Race (T. Jones) 10:34

1 The Second Race
CD: So What SW 182

So What CDR SW 182 includes an 8:46 excerpt entitled "The Second Race," which consists of Davis playing with the Big Band's rhythm section.

Thanks to Bill Kirchner and David Kay for identifying the personnel.

This is the first known live date since Davis' return from "retirement." The group played several live dates early in the summer:

June 11: Village Vanguard, New York NY (Mel Lewis band)
June 26-29: Kix, Boston
July 5: Avery Fisher Hall, New York NY (two concerts)
July 7: Xenon, New York NY (Davis attends Columbia cocktail party)

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