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Miles Ahead session details

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August 31, 1982 (12 items; TT = 30:10)
Columbia Studio B, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); J.J. Johnson (tb); William D. "Bill" Evans (ss, ts); Mike Stern (g); Marcus Miller (el-b); Al Foster (d); Mino Cinelu (perc)

1 Miles Tune (take 1) (M. Davis) n/a
2 Miles Tune (take 2) (M. Davis) n/a
3 Miles Tune (take 3) (M. Davis) n/a
4 Miles Tune (take 4 (bd)) (M. Davis) n/a
5 Miles Tune (take 5 (complete)) (M. Davis) 12:05
6 Celestial Blues, part 1 (take 5 (edit)) [Miles Tune] 8:05

Take 5 (12:05) edited in start and J.J. Johnsn edited out.
7 Celestial Blues, part 2 (take 5 (insert?)) [Miles Tune] 4:04
8 Celestial Blues, part 3 (take 5 (insert?)) [Miles Tune] 5:56

including J.J. Johnson
9 Mike Tune (take 1) n/a
10 Mike Tune (take 2 (complete)) n/a
11 Mike Tune (take 3 (bd)) n/a
12 Mike Tune (take 4) n/a

6 Celestial Blues, part 1 (take 5 (edit))
CD: Columbia Legacy 94398 63852

7 Celestial Blues, part 2 (take 5 (insert?))
CD: Columbia Legacy 94398 63852

8 Celestial Blues, part 3 (take 5 (insert?))
CD: Columbia Legacy 94398 63852

The issued versions of "Celestial Blues" are edited parts of "Miles Tune." Part 1 (take 5) starts 5:23 into the tune, after a long g solo. At the end of Part 1, a tpt solo from another take is added.

Columbia mistakenly lists the date as October 20, 1982 -- a different session involving J.J. Johnson!

A tape box from this session has the comment "Edited Complete to 30:00" and with the title "Blues in F." This might be the music recorded under the title "Miles Tune."

It is not known if J.J. Johnson plays on the other titles from the session.

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