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Miles Ahead session details

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September 16, 1982 (20 items; TT = 156:09)
Record Plant Studios, Studio A, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); J.J. Johnson (tb); William D. "Bill" Evans (ss, ts); Mike Stern (g); Marcus Miller (el-b); Al Foster (d); Mino Cinelu (perc)

1 1st Piece (master) (M. Davis) 24:47
2 2nd Piece (rundown) (M. Davis) 2:22

keyb only
3 2nd Piece (rundown) (M. Davis) 2:54

Evans out
4 2nd Piece (take 2 rundown) (M. Davis) 4:05
5 2nd Piece (take 3 rundown) (M. Davis) 2:54

Evans out
6 2nd Piece (take 4 (complete)) (M. Davis) 6:40
7 2nd Piece (take 5 (complete)) (M. Davis) 12:45
8 2nd Piece (take 6 (inc)) (M. Davis) 15:52
9 2nd Piece (take 7 (inc)) (M. Davis) 1:03

Evans out
10 2nd Piece (take 8 (inc)) (M. Davis) 7:51

Evans out
11 2nd Piece (take 9 (inc)) (M. Davis) 17:27
12 2nd Piece (take 10 (complete)) [Spanish] (M. Davis) 16:18

Evans out
13 2nd Piece (take 10 (inc)) (M. Davis) 5:41

Davis out
14 Santana (take 10/9 (edit)) [2nd Piece] (M. Davis) 13:06
15 2nd Piece (take 11 (inc)) (M. Davis) 4:02

Evans out
16 2nd Piece (take (complete)) (M. Davis) 9:47

Evans out
17 OBX Ballad (take 13 (complete)) (M. Davis) 2:35

rhythm only
18 OBX Ballad (take 14 (inc)) (M. Davis) 0:38

rhythm only
19 OBX Ballad (take 15 (inc)) (M. Davis) 2:17

rhythm only
20 OBX Ballad (take 16 (inc)) (M. Davis) 3:05

rhythm only

14 Santana (take 10/9 (edit))
CD: Columbia Legacy 94398 63852

None of the takes listed above is slated. The take numbers are copied from the tape boxes. The session consists of fragments of different lengths. The timing includes often more than one fragment.

"First Piece" is an untitled original; "Second Piece" was released in edited form as "Santana." The issued version is edited from takes 9 and 10.

The released version includes an introduction (0:01-0:24), an interlude (6:05-6:29), and an ending (12:31-13:03) with Davis on synth. The last section is edited in while the rhythm section is slowly faded out. It is not clear when these synth sections were recorded.

Columbia mistakenly lists date as January 1 or 2, 1983.

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