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Miles Ahead session details

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October 5, 1982 (25 items; TT = 118:11)
Record Plant Studios, Studio A, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); William D. "Bill" Evans (ss); Mike Stern (g); Marcus Miller (el-b); Al Foster (d); Mino Cinelu (perc)

1 Hopscotch (take 1 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 4:24
2 Hopscotch (take 2 (fs)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 0:04

Evans out
3 Hopscotch (take 2 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 9:15

Davis out
4 Hopscotch (take 3 (fs)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 0:44

Davis and Evans out
5 Hopscotch (take 4 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 4:55

Davis out
6 Hopscotch (take 5 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 2:16

Davis out
7 Hopscotch (take 6 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 2:15

Davis out
8 Hopscotch (take 7 (fs)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 0:51

Davis and Evans out
9 Hopscotch (take 8 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 1:02

Davis out
10 Hopscotch (take 9 (fs)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 0:21

Davis and Evans out
11 Hopscotch (take 10 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 2:53

Davis out
12 2nd Original (take 11 (inc)) (M. Miller) 2:08

Davis out
13 2nd Original (take 12 (inc)) (M. Miller) 6:26

Davis out
14 2nd Original (take 13 (inc)) (M. Miller) 0:17
15 2nd Original (take 14 (inc)) (M. Miller) 8:27
16 2nd Original (take 15 (complete)) (M. Miller) 8:04
17 2nd Original (take 16 (complete)) (M. Miller) 7:13
18 2nd Original (take 17 (inc)) (M. Miller) 3:33
19 2nd Original (take 18 (fs)) (M. Miller) 3:42

Davis and Evans out
20 2nd Original (take 19 (complete)) (M. Miller) 6:47
21 2nd Original (take 20 (inc)) (M. Miller) 7:41

Davis out
22 2nd Original (take 21 (complete) (master)) (M. Miller) 9:31
23 Hopscotch (take 22 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 1:27

Davis out
24 Hopscotch (take 23 (inc)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 2:37

Davis out
25 Hopscotch (take 24 (complete) (master)) [1st Original] (M. Miller) 21:18

None of the music listed above is slated. The take numbers are copied from the tape boxes. The session consists of fragments of different lengths. The timing includes often more than one fragment.

"Hopscotch" is listed in the files as "1st Original."

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