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Miles Ahead session details

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July 1, 1983 (11 items; TT = unknown)
A & R Studios, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); William D. "Bill" Evans (ss, ts, fl); Branford Marsalis (ss, ts, fl); John Scofield (g); Darryl Jones (el-b); Al Foster (d); Mino Cinelu (perc)

1 What It Is (take 1 (inc)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
2 What It Is (take 2) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
3 What It Is (take 3 (fs)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
4 What It Is (take 4 (complete)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
5 What It Is (take 5 (complete)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
6 What It Is (take 6 (fs)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
7 What It Is (take 7 (master)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
8 What It Is (take 8 (fs)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
9 What It Is (take 9 (fs)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
10 What It Is (take 10 (complete)) (M. Davis-J. Scofield) n/a
11 Funk (M. Davis) n/a

This is a two-track live recording. "What It Is" is listed in the files as "The Funk," "The Funk What It Is," and "B Flat Blues."

The following text is listed on the back of the recording sheet: "Warm Up - The Look on Your Face - The Funk - 3 over Darryl - Get Happy." It is not known whether these titles are those actually recorded on this date.

On another sheet the music is listed as: "SCO Starts it - B & B - The Funk/What It Is – B Flat Blues/Loose Blues alt Bb Blues."

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