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Miles Ahead session details

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November 17, 1983 (9 items; TT = 33:37)
Record Plant Studios, Studio A, New York NY
Commercial for Columbia

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); John Scofield (g); Robert Irving III (synth, arr); Darryl Jones (el-b); Al Foster (d)

1 Guess Who? (takes 1-9) n/a
2 Guess Who? (take ?) 3:30
3 Guess Who? (take ?) 1:52
4 Guess Who? (take ?) 2:54
5 Guess Who? (take ?) 1:26
6 Guess Who? (take ?) 9:44
7 Guess Who? (take ?) 6:46
8 Guess Who? (take ?) 7:25
9 Time Will Reveal (takes 1-6) n/a

According to what appears on three tape boxes, nine takes of "Guess Who?" were recorded. The fragments CO-a to CO-g are from reel #2, which includes takes 4-7. The music is mostly a run-through of the theme by the rhythm section (synth, g, el-b, and d). The listed items consist of fragments of different lengths. The timing often includes more than one fragment.

According to information on two tape boxes, six takes of "Time Will Reveal" were recorded, of which takes 1, -2, and -6 should be incomplete.

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