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Miles Ahead session details

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March 26 & 27, 1986 (1 item; TT = unknown)
Clinton Recording Studios, Studio B, New York NY
Commercial for Warner Brothers

Bernard Wright (synth); Michael Urbaniak (vln)

1 Don't Lose Your Mind (overdub) (M. Miller) n/a

Urbaniak says that he was in the studio on three days (March 25, 26, and 27) and participated on three titles. According to George Cole (The Last Miles, p. 258), "Urbaniak's solo [on "Don't Lose Your Mind"] was done in a single take and he says he arrived the next day to do some more recordings. 'I played on three tunes, two of them are in the can,' he says."

Jason Miles was very involved in the Tutu recordings; by his account, "We cut the track ["Tutu"] one time. Again, we cut that track one time. Michal Urbaniak came into the studio and overdubbed the violin on the track... I however was not there when Michal played, and neither was Miles."

So there is some mystery surrounding Urbaniak's involvement. Marcus Miller and Jason Miles concur that no extra tracks were left over from the Tutu sessions (Cole, The Last Miles, p. 493). And Urbaniak cannot recall the names of any of the additional titles he says he played on. (See March 12-25, 1986.)

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