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Miles Ahead session details

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October 7, 1986 (5 items; TT = 24:39)
ABC-TV studio, New York NY
ABC TV broadcast (unkn)

Miles Davis (tpt, synth); Bob Berg (ss, ts); Garth Webber (g); Adam Holzman (synth); Robert Irving III (synth); Felton Crews (el-b); Vincent Wilburn Jr. (d); Steve Thornton (perc)

1 Perfect Way (G. Gartside-D. Gamson) 3:59
2 Interview (Dick Cavett) 14:45
3 Tutu (M. Miller) 3:58
4 Conversation (Cavett and Davis chat) 0:55
5 Hopscotch (inc) (M. Miller) 1:02

Probably including members of the studio band

Broadcast on The Dick Cavett Show on October 9.

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