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Miles Ahead session details

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April 25, 1988 (2 items; TT = 5:44)
Hit Factory Studios, New York NY
Commercial for Polydor

Miles Davis (tpt); Luciano Luisi (p, org, programming); David Sancious (keyb); Corrado Rustici (g, programming); Massimo Marcolini (g); Polo Jones (el-b); John O'Brien (programming); Zucchero Fornaciari (voc)

1 Dune Mosse (take 1) n/a
2 Dune Mosse (take 2) 5:44

2 Dune Mosse (take 2)
CD: Polydor 9819980, Rhino (F) 5249878472

The original recording includes just Davis and Fornaciari. One of the two takes (5:06) was broadcast in Italy as part of a Zucchero TV show in which Fornaciari sang accompanied by a recording. Davis was not present, but a poster of the cover of the Jack Johnson LP appears in the background.

The CD lists the date as April 1, but the April 25 date is listed in the archive.

The special edition of ZU & CO includes a DVD with a "Dune Mosse" video. In consists of some images from Davis and Zucchero's performance of that tune from June 29, 1989 in Viareggio, plus added special effects. A version of the video is available on a DVD of a Zucchero concert in London 2004 (Polydor 9868374).

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