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Miles Ahead session details

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Early June 1989 (1 item; TT = 14:00)
Davis' house, Malibu CA
CBS TV broadcast (unkn)

Miles Davis (talking); Harry Reasoner (talking)

1 Interview 14:00

Davis is interviewed by Harry Reasoner for the program 60 Minutes. The program, which includes several pieces of Davis' artwork, was mentioned as being in preparation in the Los Angeles Times, June 16. It's not clear when the interview was conducted, but the show was broadcast on November 12, 1989.

The interview includes footage from Strasbourg July 5, 1989; "So What" from April 2, 1959; and the "Tutu" video from 1986. Subjects include the tendency of white musicians to lag behind the beat; how Davis does not listen to his old records; kicking heroin; pimping; answering the question, are you anti-white?; being at home in Malibu and married to Cicely Tyson; having enough money; that knowledge is happiness. There is another interview from 1990 (broadcast on June 24, 1990).

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