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Miles Davis Sessions: 1945-1991

The Miles Ahead database currently contains details for 1166 sessions. To begin, select a decade from the drop-down list. This will take you to a list of sessions from that decade, and from there you can see details for each of the sessions.

If you're looking for details of issued recordings, or if you want things organized by record rather than by session, consult the discography elsewhere on this site.

The data for sessions from 1980-1991 has been provided by Jan Lohmann, author of the definitive The Sound of Miles Davis: The Discography 1945-1991 (Copenhagen: JazzMedia ApS, 1992).

I update the database as I come upon new recordings or information. If you notice errors, please send me a message.

Last updated: 3/1/2025

All original content on this website is licensed by Peter Losin under a Creative Commons License