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Acknowledgments, Credits, and Tips of the Hat

I owe a lot to a lot of people. First among them is John Burton, whose 75th anniversary discography appeared on the internet back in 1995 and was the inspiration for this version. John Griffin has been generous with articles, interviews, photographs and tapes; and I am grateful for his careful listening and sage advice. Over the years I have received many helpful comments from Carlos de Rosselló, whose attention to detail has helped me to correct many errors. Jay Becker has made many helpful corrections and suggestions as well. Bruno Leicht and James Accardi have shared recordings with me, as well as expertise, encouragement, and good humor. Others who have made valuable contributions include Daniele Campana, Dean Chambers, Michael Cuscuna, Jen-Kuang Chang, Luis Contijoch, Jon Foley, Ron Fritts, Marcel Gärtner, Larry Hancock, Hans Jensen, Larry Koch, Piet Koster, Konrad Lozinski, Wasaburo Miura, Joe Medjuck, Craig Neilson, Leif Bo Petersen, Remco Plas, Norman Saks, Phil Schaap, Jeffrey Shaw, Tom Silverstein, Mark White, Phil Wilson, Carl Woideck, Chieo Yamada, and Eric Ziarko.

Leif Bo Petersen's careful archival research has helped me to correct many errors and to fix dates and venues that were uncertain or erroneous. I am grateful to him for sharing his Charlie Parker Chronology on this site. This labor of love contains details about Parker's recording sessions, live performances, and other activities. The activities are divided into years, and Leif updates the files periodically he comes across new information.

Charlie Parker's 100th birthday was August 29, 2020. For a good window on what happened to commemorate Parker and his legacy, visit http://charlieparkermusic.com.

You may want to consult these published Charlie Parker discographies:

  • Robert Bregman, Leonard Bukowski, and Norman Saks, The Charlie Parker Discography. Redwood, NY: Cadence Books, 1993.

  • Piet Koster, Bird Lore: Charlie Parker 1940-1955 (Second Edition). Almere: Micrography/Names & Numbers, 2002. (Names & Numbers also published a quarterly newsletter with updates to this discography. They ceased operations in 2022.)

  • Leo Petersen, Charlie Parker: A Discography. Copenhagen, 2000. Limited edition, 6 copies; 380 A4 pages.

  • Claude Schlouch, Charlie Parker: A Discography. Paris, 1999. Limited edition, 200 copies; 145 A4 pages + 28 pp. index.

Ken Vail's Bird's Diary: The Life of Charlie Parker, 1945-1955 (London: Sanctuary Books, 1996) is a useful tool, too, though he is not very forthcoming about his sources and the book contains a number of errors. There are many books and websites about Parker and his music. A modest list is available elsewhere on this site.

I'm sure that there are errors and omissions in these pages, so if you have corrections or additions, please send me a message.

All original content on this website is licensed by Peter Losin under a Creative Commons License